Category Archives: Technology

Ep 11 – A Disrupter in the Wealth Management Tech Industry – With Oleg Tishkevich of

Cloud-native technology is making an undeniable impact on the transformation of the wealth management technology industry.

In this episode, Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, speaks with Oleg Tishkevich, CEO of took home a 2019 Wealthy award in the Technology Disruptors category for its cloud-native technology. Now, Oleg explains how Cloud Native can take advisors into the next level of coordination, integration, simplification, and workflow automation.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • How Cloud Native allows advisors to quickly adapt as their business model changes
  • What the biggest tech struggles are for advisors
  • What tools can help improve the client experience
  • What challenges and opportunities consolidation presents for advisors
  • And more!

Listen now to get insight into how wealth management will be delivered in the future. 

Resources:  Wealth Management |

Ep 10 – RPA is Tying Your Documents Together — With Linda Ding

Is technology becoming more of a hindrance than a help?  Are you looking for something to tie all your document-centric processes together so you have more face time with your clients?

In this episode, Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy, speaks with Linda Ding, Director of Strategic Marketing at Laserfiche. Laserfiche won an Industry Award in 2019 for Technology Providers: Documentation Management with their Robotic Process Automation (RPA) Initiative.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Laserfiche allows advisors to streamline their document processing 
  • Why integration is at the top of the list of tech challenges for advisors
  • If we are past the point of no return with the adoption of technology in financial services
  • Where is Laserfiche looking to further integrate AI 
  • And more!

Listen in and open up to technology, and how it can make your business more productive.

Resources: | Laserfiche | Industry Awards


Ep 9 – How’s Innovative Technology Helping Financial Advisors – With Kelly Waltrich and Eric Clark

Most of us have access to online banking, which allows us to freely keep track of all of our financial information. But what about having online access to the different things we plan with our financial advisors? 

Mentioning that in these times, it’s crucial to have an interactive client portal with different portfolio and planning information, Tim Welsh from Wealth Management is joined by Eric Clark and Kelly Waltrich, both from Orion Advisor Tech, and together they explain how are the emerging financial platforms helping their firm.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • Astros: A software that allows customers to check their portfolios from anywhere and at any time. 
  • Slack: The tool that allows social connection in these times of social distancing 
  • The role of existing online platforms in easing and facilitating workload
  • Automation and robots for communication and marketing purposes: Why they could never replace real advisors
  • And more!

Join Eric and Kelly now to learn how technology is helping financial advisors.

Resources:  Wealth ManagementWealthTech Winners Circle Podcast | Orion Advisor Tech

Ep 8 – Tech Opportunities for Today’s Advisors –– With Michelle Feinstein

With everything going on in the world today, are you struggling to choose the platform right for you? Find a partner to help you navigate the digital tools required to give your all to that client experience. 

In this episode, Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, speaks with Michelle Feinstein, a director in technology at BNY Mellon Pershing. Pershing won two Wealthies in 2019: one in the Custodians Corporate Social Responsibility/Diversity category for Pershing’s Financial Literacy Program and the second one in the Technology Providers: Innovative Platforms category for their investor biometric payment acknowledgment. Now, Michelle uncovers valuable practices to assist advisors in leveraging solutions to grow, scale, and compete in this age where being efficient and going digital is of the utmost importance.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How biometrics are making office procedures more efficient
  • Why there is currently a big push to leverage mobile capability
  • What tech challenges Michelle sees advisors struggling with
  • Whether advisors and robots can exist in this industry at the same time
  • How advisors can lighten their workload to spend more time being personable with clients
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how adopting technology can streamline your workload and give your clients a better experience.

Resources: | BNY Mellon | Pershing

Ep 7- Tech Assisting Advisors Now More Than Ever — With Stuart DePina

Do you struggle with being able to connect with your clients? Did you know that AI enables advisors to stay in touch with their clients in any space the client chooses? Are you ready for that?

In this episode, David Armstrong, Editor in Chief at, speaks with Stuart DePina, Chief Executive at Envestnet Data & Analytics. Envestnet won a Wealthies award in 2019 for TAMPs: Model Marketplaces – Multi-Asset Strategist Due Diligence Reports, they were also finalists in several other categories.   

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Envestnet strives to make the Model Marketplace better
  • Why advisors that are leveraging technology face challenges with scale
  • Where Envestnet can further assist advisors in the years to come
  • What percentage of available data are advisors not making the best use of
  • And more!

Listen in and open up to technology, and how it can make your business more productive.

Resources: | Envestnet | Industry Awards

Ep 6- Bringing You the Latest in Innovation- Jon Patullo

In this episode, David Armstrong Editor in Chief of, talks with Jon Patullo, from TD Ameritrade, who won a 2019 Wealthies award for Chief Technology Officer of the Year (Custodians est $25B and over). They go in-depth about the technological innovations that TD Ameritrade has implemented for its over 7000 advisors utilizing 175 different integrations under the umbrella of their VEO One platform.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How did TD Ameritrade revolutionize tech for advisors
  • What are advisors looking from technology
  • What does the desktop of the future look like for advisors
  • How companies use AI today and where it is going
  • And more!

Tune in now and know that at TD Ameritrade, there are 175 technology teams bringing innovation to their advisors.

Resources: | TD Ameritrade | Industry Awards


Ep 5 – Providing a Better Advisor & Client Experience – Steve Leivent

In this episode, Tim Welsh, President of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, speaks with Steve Leivent Senior VP at SS&C Advent Advisory responsible for the business development of Black Diamond. In 2019, SS&C Advent was a double Wealthies winner. They won an award for their Best Client Portal – Black Diamond Wealth Platform as well as Best Portfolio Management, Accounting, and Performance Reporting – Black Diamond Wealth Platform.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How SS&C is continuing to assist advisors with their client experience
  • From the tech perspective, what are some of the advisors biggest challenges
  • Why it is essential to keep your tech stack up to date
  • What the future holds for Black Diamond
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how to streamline your business functions to create a better client experience

Resources: | SS&C Advent | Industry Awards

Ep 4: Are You Automating These 5 Critical Growth Objectives Yet? –– With Robert Sofia of Snappy Kraken

Are you automating your high-value and time-consuming activities so that you can focus on what your most qualified to do?

In this episode, Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, speaks with the co-founder and CEO of Snappy Kraken, Robert Sofia. Snappy Kraken won two Wealthies in 2019: Social Media Leadership for their Visual Insights Digital Campaigns and the other for Chief Marketing Officer of the Year. Now, Robert uncovers valuable practices that advisors can automate and why he believes we’re close to a time when spending hours on a financial plan will be obsolete.

In this episode, you will learn:

  • Where the name Snappy Kraken originated from –– and advice for advisors who are choosing a company name
  • Five key practices that Snappy Kraken helps advisors automate
  • What tech challenges Robert sees Advisors struggling with
  • Examples of how to provide a great technology experience for clients
  • Whether advisors and robots can exist in this industry at the same time
  • What to consider before working with a tech company that uses AI
  • And more!

Tune in now and learn how adopting technology can streamline your workload and give your clients a better experience.

Resources: | Snappy Kraken

Ep 3 – Use Technology to Start Conversations About Longevity –– With Kevin Ruth of Whealthcare Planning

People are more inclined to be truthful when they’re telling their answers to a computer rather than to a person. With that said, are you using technology to help you gather client information about important, but challenging, topics?

In this episode, host Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, is joined by Kevin Ruth, the interim CEO of Whealthcare Planning. Whealthcare Planning scooped multiple 2019 Wealthies, including one in the Thought Leadership category for their Whealthcare Academy and Education Center. Now, Kevin explains how advisors can use technology to gather information from their clients on sensitive topics related to longevity. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How the Whealthcare Academy and Education Center assists advisors with tough conversations
  • Examples of advisors’ challenges with adoption and integration
  • Whether Robo-advisors will play a role in the future of financial planning
  • How AI can help advisors become more productive
  • Why every firm should be focused on longevity right now
  • And more!

Tune in now to learn how you can use technology to facilitate important conversations with your clients about longevity.

Resources: | Whealthcare Planning

Ep 2 – Delegate to Technology With Betterment For Advisors — With Jon Mauney

Are you still manually rebalancing your clients’ portfolios? Consider delegating these types of tasks to technology.

In this episode, Tim Welsh, president of Nexus Strategy and consultant to the Wealthies, speaks with Jon Mauney, the general manager at Betterment For Advisors. Betterment For Advisors won a Wealthies award in 2019 in the Technology Providers: Digital Advisors category for their Dimensional Funds portfolio-construction tool. Now, Jon shares how Betterment For Advisors is leading the way for advisors to improve their technology game for the next generation of clients. 

In this episode, you will learn:

  • How Betterment For Advisors began
  • About the features of their portfolio-construction tool that is designed for Dimensional-approved advisors
  • What the biggest tech challenges are for advisors
  • Why it’s important to reassess your technology stack every few years
  • And more!

Tune in now and consider how you can adapt and delegate in order to serve the next generation.

Resources: | Betterment For Advisors | Industry Awards